Broome St. General Store
It's simple enough on the wall of Broome St. General Store: "If you don't see it, ask for it!". Tucked away off the humming street of Rowena, across from an elementary school and a small neighborhood of Los Feliz or Silverlake (it's getting hard to distinguish), Broome St. General Store is somehow both friendly and trendy. It is both exclusive (hidden away among the trees) and inclusive. The shelves are lined with bits of everything reminiscent of a true general store of the 1950's: a few shirts, pants, shoes, candies, soaps, pillows, pickles and sauces. And surprisingly enough, none of this could compare to my excitement of the red sign in the window for Gimme! Coffee. For those who don't know, Gimme! Coffee is a fantastic coffee company out of New York that I had not been able to find anywhere on the West Coast! That is, until the General Store met my every need, including my ridiculous espresso needs. Even better, the espresso tasted exactly like I had remembered in NYC with Gimme! Coffee's Leftist Blend Espresso. For some reason, I had always related Gimme! as a perfect medium between Third Wave espresso and Italian espresso. Sitting outside on Broome St General Store's shaded patio, I was reminded of why. Gimme!'s Leftist blend balances sweet and intense flavors like dark chocolate on a sunny day. Overall, I want to live in Broome Street General Store. Especially considering I wouldn't have to set foot outside that house for some delicious espresso.
Recommend: There's a reason Gimme! Coffee has an exclamation point. Gimme! some Gimme! Coffee. Seriously try it and then meander around looking at all the lovely, interesting, and largely useless (for me) goods in the store. Also, Fried Chicken Fridays is a thing here?
Note: Parking can be kind of difficult. Outdoor seating is really the only option so come on a nice day if you want to sit down for a bit. Also, they have WiFi!
Vibe: Hipstery schmipstery (but not in a pretentious way)
Price: $$ (for coffee), $$$ (for everything else)
Espresso Rating: 8.5/10
Overall Rating: 8/10 (lovely but the location and lack of indoor seating seems problematic)
Summer Hours: Mon-Sat 8am-7pm; Sunday 9am-5pm
Winter Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30am-7pm; Sunday 9am-5pm