This is a blog for those who are curious about finding great espresso. No, I'm not talking about espresso with frothy milk, almond milk, soy milk, hemp milk, rice milk. I'm talking about the purest and best extraction of the coffee bean (in my opinion): espresso. This blog covers different areas that I have lived in or visited--largely Los Angeles, New York City and San Francisco. Hopefully from my blog you will discover some great places, people, and coffee.

My Story

I originally got into espresso because I needed it to stay up late and study in high school. My father was so into espresso that we would poke fun at his four different espresso machines. He originally introduced me to espresso from the pre-packaged Segafredo pods (I always had fond memories of hanging out in the Segafredo in San Francisco when I was younger). However, the more espresso that I drank, the more that I could see why he loved it so much. The tipping point was a visit to Rome with just me and my dad. I found this place called Sant Eustachio where the crema was half of the cup and the espresso was rich, dark, and smooth. I had finally crossed to the dark side. From there on out, I realized that finding great espresso places meant discovering hidden, authentic areas of any city. When I moved out to Los Angeles to go to school at USC I immediately discovered Silverlake, Abbot Kinney, Santa Monica, and Little Tokyo. This passion would also bring me to the best areas of San Francisco and New York City. So here I am, deciding to start a blog on espresso because I want everyone to be able to know about the best places for coffee. Not Starbucks or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf etc. I'm talking about the next best thing out there: third wave espresso. 


This website is created and loved by Tessa Granowski. Contact me for any questions, concerns, or suggestions at!